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Application for aviation liability (commercially used drones)

Only for customers based in Germany

Insurance sum & annual premium per drone (including taxes)
Coverage for Financial losses & copyright - Financial losses & copyrights (film and photo recordings) can be included from €3,000,000 sum insured
Desired start of insurance (earliest from the following day)*
Number of drones*
Manufacturer & type designation*
Serial number*
Maximum take-off weight in kg*
If necessary, please enter data for further drones here
Company, surname, first name*
Date of birth*
Have any previous applications for insurance cover been rejected? *
Is there any previous insurance? If yes, provider, policy number and description of previous claims
Bank account holder*
Name of bank*
After sending the complete application, you will usually receive the contract documents by e-mail within 24 hours, including the insurance confirmation for the official ascent authorisation.
The contract term is 1 year and is automatically extended by one year. The cancellation period is 3 months to the end of the insurance year.
Consumer information:
I have taken note of the fact that I have the right to cancel the insurance contract applied for here within 14 days. The cancellation period begins with the delivery of the insurance contract.
The applicant has received the above information relevant to the contract.
To avoid unauthorized automatic entries and spam please enter the number in the field shown on its right. Thank you.
* Mandatory fields